SRE & DevOps
I spent two years as a Software Engineering Intern at the Tuesday Company, with both full stack development duties and production management as part of my job. Upon graduation I took a full time SRE role at Google, where I have been for the past year.
For non-technical people: what that means is that I have experience managing the chaotic nature of code when it runs in the wild. Rather than coding new features or working on new products, my job consists of making sure that software runs reliably, correctly, and quickly, all around the world.
Full Stack Development
I have worked on business logic, database management software, and other middleware and backend code in Go, Python, and Javascript. I’ve also done front-end work with HTML, CSS, and Javascript, although I am no designer (hence the Squarespace site).
Functional Programming
I consider myself a functional programmer at heart. I learned Racket during my undergraduate studies, took a Haskell course during my masters program, and I am currently learning Clojure from Clojure for the Brave and True.